big octopus

big octopus

Saturday, December 18, 2010


Almost done!!!!!!

*Work in progress*

A fun piece to work on! When all is said and done he should be about the size of guinea pig.
Bolts for eyes, and a rubber stopper for nose!
More pictures to follow!!

Monday, November 22, 2010


It's been a while since I've posted anything,......

but if I thought anybody actually looked at this blog, that might upset me :(

I like sculpting hands-( see the a.t.g hand) Many pieces of wires were used in the completion of these two hands / arms. My friend's boyfriend-(Brian) comissioned me to make a wire form hand with an iPod charger weaved into it, so the hand will hold the iPod. ( Once it's finihsed I'll post pictures) I liked the way it looked so much I started working on one for me.

(That's why they're both right hands) The hand on the left mounted to the block is mine.

12/18- I finished both pieces! I was happy with how they both came out.-( so was Brian)

I mounted mine to the wall, it's reaching out over my couch!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Art in Mat Cutting

I've often referred matting & framing to artistic ketchup for pictures-( I like Ketchup a lot ) It makes good food better, and bad food tolerable, ...the same can be said for matting & framing for artwork. buti decided to make a piece of art from matting framing alone,....
Silk mats & all hand cut with reverse bevels a thin red fillet to accentuate the red in the matting
This is hanging in my bedroom.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Little Flower

A wire form flower. The petals were made from one piece of wire, as was the center. 10 really long pieces was used in the creation of this piece. The plastic base was a found doo-dad that luckily just fit the stem,...

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


A turtle made out of scrap picture frame moulding. When you do picture framing, you generate a lot of scraps,...some would say waste,...but not me. Framers by nature are pack rats,..we like to save everything, squirreling away pieces of this and that. This little guy was a present for Kelly. He was finished in 2 days. I used stain markers to color the unfinished sides, which had an unexpected effect of making the coloring more real looking.

Monday, July 5, 2010

E_L_E_P_H_A_N_T !

This is one of my first pieces.
I had worked on a little at a time, here & there.
All and all, probably close to 30 hrs went into this piece.
I probably used a hundred pieces of wire, 4 different types of wire were used. I used grommets for eye sockets to give the skull some form, and coiled black wire to make the eyes.
I had thought about making a body for it,...I may still.


An onion.
It kinda looks like part of a whisk-( it's not :) it's about 14 pieces of wire. This was a fun to do, it took me about 15 minutes to do.

Baby Turtle

Apparently I like turtles. This was my first attempt at a turtle,...I decided to put it aside and make the larger Sea Turtle I posted a earlier instead,....but I had to finish the little guy! He is actually about a dozen pieces of wire! he has copper colored staples for eyes, about the size of a small pancake. Now that I think of it, Pancake would be a stellar name for a pet turtle!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

S e a T u r t l e

I like how this one turned out!
It took about 3 days to finish, 5 sessions about 3-4hrs per session.
Many multiple pieces of wire were used in the completion of this piece. 3 different sizes.
Screws for eyes.
I may go back & fill in the flippers with thinner wire.

s n o w

Effortless, I fall from the sky

Slipping & sliding though the air

Like a gossamer, crystalline confetti I blanket the ground

The horizon grows whiter, your vision is congested by me

Loved by all children, held in contempt by most adults...

I'm not much for writing poetry, but I liked how this turned out,
I wrote it sitting in a Panera, drinking coffee while I waited to go into work

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Frame Moulding Tray

A Christmas present to Kelly!
A Octagonal frame moulding with a laminated-(print guarded) abstract poster,
(possibly a Rothko?) underneath acrylic. A silicone sealer was used to secure the acrylic in to the frame, not for support but rather for a moisture protection .
Large rubber bumpers are attached to the bottom of the moulding to allow pick up space for
the piece and give non-marring protection to table tops.
Measuring out to app 10" x 26" with the frame moulding 14" x 30"
With the left over portion of the print, I made a set of matching coasters !!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Strong coffee gets you wired....or wire makes strong coffee

Possibly my favorite sculpture, I love coffee, and sculpting.
Multiple strands of wire were used to make this piece.
A spool of wire was used as a saucer. The shadow from the steam lines on the wall made an nice unexpected effect.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

D r a g o n

This is my first sculpture that I'm going to sell.
Standing app. 10" this piece is made with with multiple pieces of wire,
thick wire staples; copper & steel colored. Grommets for the nostrils, & map tacks for eyes.
I am very pleased with how it's turning out. It is almost finished.
** A final pic. will be posted when it's complete**

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Trinket Boxes

During picture framing, you tend to wind up with copious amounts of "scrap" materials.
Instead of throwing out the scraps or left overs, they can be used to make a variety of things
A few christmas' ago I made curio / trinket boxes for my friends/co-workers. The interior measures are app. 5 x 5"
I didn't have a whole lot of money at the time, and a lot scrap frame moulding. The inside of these was left unfinished, but the underside's were flocked/ sueded.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Wire Fish

Pulley wheels & nails for eyes, mesh panels for fins, 5 hours, and a lotta wire!!
yes that is a shot glass as a pedestial

Outta Tape! & Spool Bug

100's of ATG spools &
a lot of white zip ties........
*with the way the spools interlock it makes kinda of a ball & socket joint, so the fingers on the hand, and legs on the bug are positionable.

My co-workers have graciously been saving these empty spools for me for years now! I have amassed probably about 5 thousand. All I need is time & zip ties,..and I can eventually build a body to go with that hand !

1000 L E G G E R !

*technically a 20 legger*
5 really long pieces of wire, 30 thick wire staples, and a lotta patience

12 45's

An abstract piece with 3 interlocking frames


Boredom + framing hardware = robot