I like taking pictures. I am by no means a professional-( as is evident by the photos)
but I do enjoy it. And occasionally It does yield good results. All of these pictures were taken with a digital point & shoot, or the camera on my phone.
Upclose shot of a Fletcher MatCutter. I've used this machine-(or ones just like it) for over a decade,...this vantage point that just occured to me when I was trying to clean it.
*kinda looks like large vehicle of some kind*
A fancy schmancy lamp at a diner that i frequent
My eye through a an opening in a Fillet Cutter.
A device that cuts down piece of thin accent frame moudling with angled guillotine blades.
This was taken with the camera on a Motorola Razor
Inside bottom of a beer bottle!
Reflections in a hookah. Me & Kelly