big octopus

big octopus

Monday, January 31, 2011

Fauxtography part 3

Taken while I was driving! Squishy the Caterpillar!
I saved this little guy from being squished,
he was sitting behind my back tire in the driveway. He made my day, and I his

A post that I walked past 2 - 4 times a day for the better part of a year. I like looking at things from a non-traditional point of view. ( It's a shame that it takes me so long to see what's around me)

The little flower that could! And did!

Epic flower!

Fauxtography part 2

Taken at PennyPack Park.
I was walking through a field with high grass and this was a lucky shot
taken with a cell phone camera

This was taken in the same field,....

GIGANTIC DANDELIONS! Or ant with a camera! you decide

This was a good day,...i had to cut the photo taking short,....damn allergies

ooooohhhh! artsy sunburst!

Fauxtography part 1

I like taking pictures. I am by no means a professional-( as is evident by the photos)
but I do enjoy it. And occasionally It does yield good results. All of these pictures were taken with a digital point & shoot, or the camera on my phone.

Upclose shot of a Fletcher MatCutter. I've used this machine-(or ones just like it) for over a decade,...this vantage point that just occured to me when I was trying to clean it.
*kinda looks like large vehicle of some kind*

A fancy schmancy lamp at a diner that i frequent

My eye through a an opening in a Fillet Cutter.
A device that cuts down piece of thin accent frame moudling with angled guillotine blades.
This was taken with the camera on a Motorola Razor

Inside bottom of a beer bottle!

Reflections in a hookah. Me & Kelly

Monday, January 24, 2011

Abstract Pen & Ink

it kinda looked like a bunny when all was said and done!

No idea what this was,'s just my hands wandering over the paper with a pen!

One of my friends said this looked like a bird, it shall be

Possibly a flame?


C-A-R-T-O-O-N-S ( PART 9 )

Zalambi -( Zombie Salami ) & Monster Cheese -
( drawing Muenster cheese wouldn't be as cool because
the holes in the swiss were perfect for eye sockets)
Sad Suicidal Bear
Bad Pizza!

Nightmare Monster Pillow Creature!


C-A-R-T-O-O-N-S ( PART 8 )

Candle Monster! Sleepy worm

ha ha

Banana make great aliens!

Epic fight!

C-A-R-T-O-O-N-S ( PART 7 )

He's pissed because you can't do any kind of effective home repair
if your hammer is made of an icecream cone.

the ball needed some fine tuning,...but oh well

Not sure why he has goggles,....but if i had a gigantic cup of coffee and
a doughnut the size of an inner tube,....i'd probably wear goggles too!

inspired by the opening scene of a Road Runner Cartoon

inspired by "Who Framed Roger Rabbit"

belligerent knife wielding hill-billy alien

Bad take out!

Pig canon or Hog Dare Devil

Monster Newspaper!

Battle Penguin!

C-A-R-T-O-O-N-S ( PART 6 )

Funny & wierd To hell with slow & steady,.....nitrous sounds sounds like a great idea

His name is "Ouch" and he's lethargic,....and wants a hug,...............
sadly he probably won't get one

Well nitrous didn't quite do it,......
so jet fuel was tried

This little guy wants a hug,.......
ain't no one gonna do it though

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Pen & Ink -( still kinda cartoony )

A Norse Dragon Horse thing OSTRICH!

Another Dragon

Samurai! ( Hopefully a new tattoo for me )