Well, it's been a rough coupla weeks. I (and Kelly & Mack) moved into a town house!
Lotsa back breaking lifting of furniture, aggrivation with transfering utilities, cable, forwarding mail,. . et cetera.
This is the first real day off I've had for about 4 weeks. When I'm not at my actual work place, i'm working on moving & settling in bull shit.
*I use the term day off lightly, I've been up since 8:30 and hung pictures and mounted shelves*
I'm getting off topic as I have a tendency to do, any ways,....
I have a garage again,...finally a place to craft things. . . .
well sorta, I still have to make a run to my parents place to pick up my tools...
So at the moment I have a place to remind me of what I can eventually have.
I don't think anybody actually reads what I type here, so I doesn't really matter what I say-(type) just as It probably won't matter what I do in the garage. I have a horrible feeling that I'll get all my tools from my folks place and have my creaive arsenal at the ready, . . . .and then,... NOTHING. I'll have nothing to do. No things to make for anybody. Aside from projects for me( which, since I have all of my wire sculptures packed up in boxes. All of it's been projects for me)
Kinda like Batman in the BatCave, . . . with no crime to fight.
In other words, pretty fuckin' lame
Hopefully the aggrivation & hard work will pay off and not be in vain.
Probably not though :(
Any way here is my BatCave so far -( more pictures to follow)