big octopus

big octopus

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Holy, Batarangs Batman!

I may mentioned that I like Batman..... But I mean, let's face it everybody likes Batman.

 I took an old aluminum ruler and made Batman Begins style Batarang. I'm really pleased by how It came out!

On the left the is a older Batarang I made out of plexiglass a few years ago.
(Scroll back through an older blog entry)

 Both of them throw really well.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Wire wrapped glass spheres

Ok, so "spheres" might be a bit pretentious. They're marbles! But cool lookin' marbles! They catch the light nicely, and look good swept up in wire. Like miniature planets caught in a net!

 *more abstract pieces coming soon!*