big octopus

big octopus

Sunday, November 16, 2014

B I G R O B O T !

At the recent Pancake Breakfast I finally found a home for this big fella! 
It's odd, it's a bitter sweet feeling ( 'least it is for me) to sell one of my pieces that's been around for a while. Kinda like losing an old friend. I'm sad to see him go, put happy to have him leave.
( i know I probably sound ridiculous by sentimentally  anthropomorphizing a sculpture)
 Au revior Big Robot, good luck in your new home.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

A collar for Mongo's Wife

I met a nice guy who asked me to make his lovely wife a paracord collar. I really hope they enjoy it!

Mongo & his lady, and yup, that's me in the green shirt in the background!

Pancake Breakfast Y'all !

The Patriots of Pennsylvania Motorcycle Club had a Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser. My good friend Mike gave me an invite

That's Mike, or ad he's better known as Snapp, and his fiance Heather in the left corner
 The food was great! Chocolate chip pancakes, sausage and scrambled eggs!

 The music was pretty sweet! Classic Rock, Beatles ...

 And the people were awesome!

And, I found a home for this big fella!